I’ve always burned sage. I was introduced to it many years ago by a woman at my job. She was a bit eccentric but she was a sweet woman. Very spiritual.
Since then, I’ve always burned it to cleanse my home from wicked and evil spirits. I don’t know if it’s working but I can’t say it’s not. I will say, however, I haven’t had anyone I don’t want in my home lately (even before the coronavirus) so something must be working.
I recently purchased a bundle of sage from Etsy and as I’m going through the bundle, I’m loving what it’s doing to my mental state. Although I’m getting better, I still have a lot of self-care to do.

I chose this bundle in particular because I wanted to try the Dragon’s Blood sage. Dragon’s Blood sage boasts of opening blockages (mental and maybe, physical as well) and invite peace.
I should note Dragon’s Blood sage is white sage dipped in Dragon’s Blood residue.
The blue sage is my favorite. I love how it smells and allegedly, it boasts abundance and prosperity. It’s not as pungent as the white sage, which I really love. Who couldn’t use a bit more money now?
White sage is endangered for the simple fact it’s so popular now. If you have to get sage, I do recommend blue sage instead. White sage is cleanses your space and promotes health. It’s also anti-viral, anti-fungal, and keeps away the bad energy. See why it’s so popular?
Lastly, the palo santo stick is one of my favorites. I use it as a stress-reliever and air freshener. It also boasts the same properties as the above sages, which I feel is why it was bundled together.
The shop I bought from, I’m not entirely sure if it’s black-owned, but here are some black-owned Etsy shops you can buy from!
Oh, and I finally updated the YouTube channel!